My son Joel turned 2 on the weekend!
I love it when my kids have birthdays, they always provide such a great excuse for celebrations and the children are always so excited.
On the eve of Joel's birthday I realized in all the preparations (we had 2 parties to prepare for, both on the same day! What was I thinking?) I had forgotten to buy him a birthday card.
Of course, the obvious solution was to make one myself (infact making him a card is something I would like to have planned to do anyway). So, at around midnight, I sat down with my paints and paper and created a personal birthday card. I was quite tired and didn't have loads of time to plan the card but I thought it would be fun to have an illustration of him surrounded by some of the presents he was going to recieve and by a couple of his favourite things. The chair (if you are wondering) was included because it was one of his presents. Joel recieved a big grown up 'high' chair to sit on at the kitchen table. This chair was to replace his baby high chair, as he had made very clear to us that the baby chair was not for him any more as he is no longer a baby!
I plan to always make personal birthday cards from now on. They are so much fun to make and mean so much more than a card from a shop.
Meanwhile my husband was busy cutting out number 2s from coloured paper and hanging them from the ceiling.
Finally we fell into bed and I am glad to say Joel had a great birthday and both parties were a success- although we were all complete zombies come Sunday!
Anyway, here are photos of the handmade card.

Oh, and another very exciting bit of news I almost forgot to share with you... I have literally just launced a new website.
Create A Book For A Child This is a
Create A Book For A Child courses website. So, if you are interested in taking a 5 week online course to learn how to create a personal storybook for your little one, please check out my new website. And please check it out anyway, just for fun and let me know what you think! I appreciate honest feedback.
To visit simply click on the following words...
Create A Book For A Child and of course tell all your family and friends ;)
Create A Book For A Child