Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to write and illustrate a picture book for your kids (a picture book guide for beginners)

Last night I thought I'd do what I've been meaning to do for ages, write and illustrate a picture book outlining the simple steps you can take to write and illustrate a story book for your kids.

I had already done one very rough draft so I didn't start from scratch but it still took a little time (especially as I had a toddler with a temperature of 39.9 degrees who still thought it was fun to run around at 12.30pm!)

I would love you to take a look and let me know what you think. It is still a draft.

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  1. These are great ideas! Maybe I could write one :)

  2. Thanks. I would love you to write one and share it on Piggy Publishing Adventures!

  3. What a wonderful way to help encourage and build family relationships, an awesome idea!
